Help / FAQ

What is a counterfeit game, and why should I care?

                A counterfeit game means it was not made officially by Nintendo, but instead a random person unaffiliated with the company. This means no quality control. You could easily get a broken game with terrible graphics, and it might not work at all. When the cost of some of these games goes into the hundreds, that’s hundreds down the drain.

How do I find a certain console or game?

                For consoles, click the “consoles” button at the top of the page to view our consoles. For a specific game, click the “games” button at the top of the page and browse through our selection to see if we have it!

How do you verify the games?

                   There are a large number of signs that can warn you of a possibly counterfeit game such as:
  • Obvious imperfections in labeling
  • Lightness of cartridge
  • Dot of “Nintendo” not being a square
  • No Nintendo labeling on game board
  • Grooves in cartridge slot not containing serial numbers
  • Booting up the game, as many do not run or run improperly
  • Edges of the cartridge being shiny, as the fakes are not designed to fold
  • Glossy label (real one is matte)
  • Lack of a two digit stamp on rear label
  • Metal shield casing on inside being smaller than normal
  • If it actually fits in a game console
  • Hexagonal base screws (real ones are round)
  • Crisp trademark symbol (fake ones aren’t detailed)
  • Listing is from a commonly bootleg area
    If we detect even one of these signs, it will not be put up for sale by us.
    That can be a lot to check, which is why we go through the process for you. Oftentimes once you buy the game and it is shipped to you, it’s already too late even if you recognize these signs!

Can I return something?
Check out our policy page!