Contra (LOOSE)

(1 customer review)


Set in the distant future of the year 2633 A.D, when the evil Red Falcon Organization have set a base on the fictional Galuga archipelago near New Zealand in a plot to wipe out humanity. Two commandos, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, of the Earth Marine Corp’s Contra unit (an elite group of soldiers specializing in guerrilla warfare), are sent to the island to destroy the enemy forces and uncover the true nature of the alien entity controlling them



Label qualities vary from heavily damaged to slightly worn. Contacts vary from worn to no scratches. As with all loose games, only the cartridge is being sold, no game box is provided. Tested and working, guaranteed legitimate.

1 review for Contra (LOOSE)

  1. Elliot Witt

    I was skeptical to say the least considering it was a loose game. However, I received everything in perfect condition and I didn’t even have to blow in the cartridge for it to work. Would buy again

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